Get to know Bonaire through these interesting facts.
Quick Facts
Bonaire has an area of 112 sq. miles. It is 24 miles long and 3-7 miles wide. Based on current mapping, approximately half the island is inhabited by +/- 21.000 people.
The local language on the island is Papiamentu. Papiamentu is a combination of Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch influences. The official language is Dutch. English is widely spoken and many residents also speak Spanish.
In January 1, 2011, the U.S Dollar became the official currency for the Dutch Caribbean. Additionally, most major credit cards are accepted by most businesses.
On Bonaire the sockets produce 127 Volt – 50 Cycle.
Foreign and international licenses are accepted.
The air temperature is 84 degrees on average with highs into the 90s. The water temperatures ranges from 78 to 84 degrees.
Time Zone
Bonaire is on Atlantic Standard Time which means it is one hour later than Eastern Standard Time. During U.S. Daylight Savings Time, Bonaire is the same as Eastern Daylight Time.
Year-round the wind comes from the easterly side of the island. Bonaire lies outside of the hurricane belt.
Latitude 12 degrees 8 minutes 31.64 seconds N; Longitude 68 degrees 16 minutes 34.02 seconds W
Helpful Tips
Island dress is casual, but please remember: bathing suits, bare feet, and no shirts are not appreciated in town. Please drive within the posted speed limits.
For general information about the island of Bonaire and shopping, there are several good web sites you may wish to explore:
- InfoBonaire – The Bonaire Information Site™
- Bonaire Marine Park – information about our reef and the organization that maintains it.
- The Weather – see what’s happening on Bonaire.
- The Bonaire Insider – Current Tourism News and Events on Bonaire.